

Real Time Ticker   Based on 2025-03-12 17:59:34
Stock Price Information
    • 179900UTI
    • Current Price22,550
    • Day compared to 100(-128.21)
    • Trading Volume 73,691
    • Transaction Price 1,654,697,775
Open 22,050 Upper Limit 29,150
High Price 23,100 Lower Limit 15,750
Low Price 21,800 Par Value 500
PER 0.00 52 Shares
(Based on Closing Price)
Highest 39,950
Listed Shares 17,952,629 Lowest 19,250
Remaining Balance A&B Number of Shares Remaining
361 22,450
115 22,400
1 22,250
100 22,200
15 22,000
22,750 114
22,700 50
22,650 55
22,600 50
22,550 19
592 Total 288
Time Contracted Price Change Ask Bid Bid Size
15:30:00 22,550 100 22,550 22,450 1,000
15:19:40 22,200 250 22,550 22,450 2
15:19:00 22,150 300 22,250 22,150 333
15:17:00 22,150 300 22,100 22,000 32
15:15:20 22,150 300 22,150 22,000 30
15:13:20 22,150 300 22,150 22,000 169
15:13:00 22,050 400 22,100 21,950 353
15:11:50 22,100 350 22,100 21,900 1
15:11:10 22,050 400 22,100 21,900 32
15:10:50 22,050 400 22,100 22,050 5
Selling Top Buying Top
Securities Company Volume Securities Company Volume
KB Sec 13,827 MRASDW 12,773
Korea Investment S 9,211 Korea Investment S 8,440
Shinhan Investment C 7,159 JPMorgan Securitie 7,482
BNK Financial Group Inc 5,940 Shinhan Investment C 6,420
MRASDW 5,696 BNK Financial Group Inc 5,940
Date Close Change Open High Low Volume Transaction Price
25/03/12 22,550 100 22,050 23,100 21,800 73,691 1,654,697,775
25/03/11 22,450 700 21,700 22,450 21,050 92,266 2,008,992,850
25/03/10 21,750 1,700 22,900 23,450 21,400 145,190 3,221,013,225
25/03/07 23,450 350 23,950 23,950 22,850 65,360 1,522,145,325
25/03/06 23,800 1,000 24,900 25,125 23,700 88,556 2,172,641,550
25/03/05 24,800 1,050 24,250 24,900 23,300 69,368 1,660,907,550
25/03/04 23,750 1,050 24,000 24,800 23,500 73,629 1,765,871,900
25/02/28 24,800 0 24,550 25,350 24,200 77,012 1,903,554,000
25/02/27 24,800 1,450 23,050 25,000 22,900 163,020 4,009,252,550
25/02/26 23,350 300 23,550 23,650 23,050 33,635 784,000,900