Unique Technology Integral UFG/UTG
As developing tempered glass that folds depending on evolving the smart phone form factor,
we satisfy the needs of customers and end users.
Folding area is UTG, other areas are compared to competitors. Glass being fordable with a local curvature (R value) using thick glass

- TYPE: 1 to 5R possible
- Flat part thickness up to 300um possible
- Satisfied with over 400,000 of the folding tests (R1)
- Touch pen can be used without worrying about LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) scratches.
- Transmittance over 90%

Fordable ultra-thin glass

- possible even as thin as 25um
- Satisfied with over 400,000
- Touch pen can be used without worrying about LCD scratches.
- Transmittance over 90%
- of the folding tests (R1)